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PRP Face and Hair Restorartion Therapy

What is PRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been used in medical procedures utilizing the body's own blood to regenerate new cellular growth and assist with healing for years, but not until recently was it discovered to have cosmetic benefits as well! The human body has the natural capability to heal itself. Regeneration of new tissue is accomplished by utilizing your own natural production of stem cells. PRP introduces concentrated platelets rich in bioactive proteins, which release growth factors to stimulate cellular regeneration and accelerate tissue repair.​


How does PRP Work?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment is a leading custom designed, non-surgical procedure that is offered to treat aging skin. This in-office, non-invasive treatment begins with a simple blood draw. Your blood is then processed in a medical device, separating the blood components to concentrate the PRP, we call this “Liquid Gold”. PRP can act in conjunction with other procedures.

How does PRP Work?

Improvement in skin texture and tone is noticeable within 3 weeks. Full collagen regeneration requires 3 months. Topical skin care and light therapies can enhance these results.


PRP Treatments can be used on all skin types and tones. Minimal swelling, bruising, and redness for the initial 12 to 24 hours are expected.


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